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Signs of a split

I very often read skeptical statements about the split in the Russian elites: "There is no evidence of this split!" There is such evidence. You just need to read the originals and be able to understand what is written. A striking example is the recent interview of Rostec CEO Chemezov with Reuters. Chemezov is a member of the so-called "collegium". This is an unofficial governing body of the Russian Federation. Putin is the public face of the "collegium" and its coordinator. I will not dwell on the system of Russian power in detail. I have already written about this before.

In the interview, Chemezov formally scares the West with the consequences of supporting Ukraine. All members of the Russian political elite do this. But others use general phrases - "terrible retribution", "nuclear ash" ... And Chemezov suddenly specified the threat. I am giving the exact quote, because most agencies publish abridged versions of this interview: "If someone thinks it is possible to supply such weapons to a combat zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why don't we have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be carried out on sensitive objects of those countries that do this to Russia?" Where can Russia supply missiles (which is what we are talking about)? North Korea has such weapons and even supplies them to Russia for use in Ukraine. If the North Korean clique wanted to, it would have already struck South Korea or Japan. The last time, of course. But Kim's gang does not want to die, it wants to continue ruling. Such weapons simply won't reach "sensitive objects" in the West from Iran (which, by the way, has its own missiles). They will reach Israel, but that country does not supply weapons to Ukraine. The Houthis? They have already tried to fire at merchant ships. More accurate missiles have been fired at them in response. Cuba? This island is located near the USA. But a strike from Cuba will lead to the Castro dictatorship disappearing in a few hours. The US military base Guantanamo is located on Cuban territory, so the speed of the regime cleansing is guaranteed.

This list can be continued, but the result will be the same: Russia is already using this strategy, and it is not producing results.

Chemezov's message to the West should be translated as follows: There will be no nuclear war. Do not be afraid of our psychopaths.

Why did he do this? Unlike several members of the "collegium", Chemezov is not a psychopath. And he decided to act independently, because psychopaths are confidently heading for collapse. Of course, his independence is limited by his belonging to the ruling group. But to be continued.

The photo illustrates the main idea of ​​the text: my cat Lubart listens to my threats against him. He listens absolutely calmly.


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